Video stabilizatori - DJI RONIN RS3 PRO Combo stabilizators - ātri pasūtīt no ražotāja

  • Viegls dizains ar 10 lb kravnesību
  • Kombinācijā ietilpst tālruņa turētājs, fokusa motors
  • Vairāki kameras vadības kabeļi
  • Uzlabots 1,8 collu OLED skārienekrāns
  • Tūlītēja režīma pārslēgšana, asis automātiska bloķēšana
  • Iekļauts bezvadu raidītājs
  • Bezvadu slēdža vadība, SuperSmooth
  • Precīzākas regulēšanas poga uz slīpuma ass
  • ActiveTrack Pro, DJI SDK atbalsts
  • Oglekļa šķiedras korpuss sver tikai 3,3 mārciņas

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DJI RONIN RS3 PRO Combo stabilizators

Rated 3.8/5 based on 1 customer reviews

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DJI RS3 Pro Combo

Paplašinot Ronin sērijas jaudīgās funkcijas, DJI RS 3 Pro ir uzlabota, visaptveroša kameru paplašināšanas platforma, kas sniedz iespēju videogrāfiem un nodrošina koordinētus fotografēšanas risinājumus profesionālām komandām. Izmantojot DJI RS 3 Pro, nekas nav sasniedzams.

Strādājiet ar lielām kamerām

RS 3 Pro izmanto pagarinātās oglekļa šķiedras ass sviras, lai nodrošinātu vairāk līdzsvarošanas vietas profesionālām kamerām, padarot to lieliski piemērotu tādām kamerām kā Sony FX6 vai Canon C70 ar 24–70 mm F2.8 objektīviem.

Jaunā paplašinātā apakšējā ātrās atbrīvošanas plāksne1 nodrošina stabilāku kameras stiprinājumu un ir ērta, lai uzstādītu objektīva atbalstu drošākiem iestatījumiem.

Lai atvieglotu balansēšanas procesu, slīpuma asij ir pievienota precīzās regulēšanas poga, kas ļauj precīzāk pārvietot kameru uz priekšu vai atpakaļ, pat līdz milimetram. Ar Teflon® pārklājuma komponentiem RS 3 Pro var līdzsvarot ar mazāku berzi un mazāku pretestību, pat ja tiek uzstādītas smagas kameras.

Automatizēti asu bloķētāji

RS 3 Pro ļauj ātri sākt darbu, lai nekad nepalaistu garām nevienu kadru. Vienkārši nospiediet un turiet barošanas pogu, un trīs asis automātiski atbloķējas un izplešas, ļaujot jums sākt fotografēšanu dažu sekunžu laikā. Vienreiz nospiediet barošanas pogu, un asis automātiski bloķējas un pāriet miega režīmā, padarot uzņēmuma kustību ievērojami efektīvāku. Nospiediet un turiet barošanas pogu, un tas automātiski salocīsies un bloķēsies.

Lielas ietilpības kravnesības

RS 3 Pro optimizētais konstrukcijas dizains nodrošina, ka tā svars paliek tāds pats kā RS 2 — tikai 1,5 kg/3,3 mārciņas (ietver kardānu, akumulatora rokturi un divslāņu ātrās atbrīvošanas plāksnes), bet tā kravnesība ir mazāka. izturīgs 4,5 kg/10 mārciņas, kas nodrošina spēcīgu atbalstu vieglā korpusā.

  • Canon C70 + CN-E 35 mm
  • BMPCC 6K Pro + EF 50 mm
  • Sony FX6 + FE 24–70 mm
  • Sarkans Komodo + RF 24–70 mm
  • Panasonic S1H + L 24–70 mm
  • Nikon Z9 + Z 24–70 mm

Bezvadu slēdža vadība

Aprīkots ar Dual-Mode Bluetooth tehnoloģiju, RS 3 Pro spēj nodrošināt efektīvu un uzticamu bezvadu slēdža vadību2. Pēc sākotnējās Bluetooth savienošanas pārī varat kontrolēt video un fotoattēlu uzņemšanu, nospiežot ierakstīšanas pogu uz stabilizatora. Iepriekš pārī savienota kamera automātiski izveidos savienojumu, ietaupot jūsu laiku katrā turpmākajā lietošanas reizē.

Tūlītēja režīma pārslēgšana

Vienkārši pabīdot jauno karkasa režīma slēdzi, varat mainīt režīmus Pan follow, Pan un Tilt follow un FPV. FPV režīma atlasi var arī pielāgot 3D Roll 360, Portrait vai Custom, ļaujot pielāgot aprīkojumu un ātri sākt darbu.

Jo lielāks, jo labāks

Liels, iebūvēts 1,8 collu OLED pilnkrāsu skārienekrāns palielina ekrāna izmēru par 28% salīdzinājumā ar RS 2, padarot to neticami ērtu parametru iestatīšanai, fotografēšanas statusa pārbaudei un izsekoto objektu kadrēšanai3< /sup>. Un ar pārveidoto lietotāja interfeisu ikviens iestatījums ir intuitīvāks un precīzāks. OLED ekrāns piedāvā arī lielāku spilgtumu nekā RS 2 LCD ekrāns, lai nodrošinātu labāku skatīšanos ārpus telpām ar mazāku enerģijas patēriņu.

Gluda oglekļa šķiedras konstrukcija

RS 3 Pro sviras ir izgatavotas no slāņveida negrieztas oglekļa šķiedras loksnēm, tāpat kā Ronin 2. Tas padara tos vieglākus un stiprākus nekā RS 2 izmantotais oglekļa šķiedras materiāls, palielinot stingrību un samazinot svaru, lai tiktu galā ar pat prasīgākas fotografēšanas vides.

Nākamā RS stabilizācijas evolūcija

Trešās paaudzes RS stabilizācijas algoritmu nodrošinātais
RS 3 Pro nodrošina ievērojami uzlabotu stabilitāti jebkurā scenārijā. Laboratorijas paraugu ņemšanas dati liecina, ka RS 3 Pro nodrošina par 20% lielāku stabilitāti salīdzinājumā ar RS 2, bez piepūles pārvaldot attēlus no zema leņķa, skriešanas scenārijus vai pārslēgšanos starp augstu un zemo pozīciju.

Komplektā ietilpst

  • Stabilizators
  • Somiņa pārnēsāšanai
  • BG30 rokturis
  • USB-C uzlādes kabelis (40 cm)
  • Objektīva stiprinājuma atbalsts (pagarināts)
  • Pagarināts rokturis/statīva (metāls)
  • Ātrās noņemšanas plāksne (Arca-Swiss/Manfrotto)
  • Portfeļa tipas rokturis
  • Vairāki Kameras vadības kabeļi (USB-C, 30 cm) (2x)
  • Apakšējā ātri noņemamā plāksne (pagarināta)
  • Tālruņa turētājs
  • Fokusa motors (2022)
  • Fokuss Kombinētais motora stieņa stiprinājuma komplekts
  • Fokusa zobrata sloksne
  • Ronin attēla raidītājs
  • Lēcas stiprinājuma siksna
  • Skrūvju komplekts
  • USB-C barošanas kabelis (20 cm (20 cm)
  • Siksna ar āķi un cilpu (2x)

The RS 3 Pro features extended carbon fiber axis arms to provide more room for balancing professional cameras, making it a perfect fit for cameras like the Sony FX6 or Canon C70 with 24-70mm f/2.8 lenses, expanding creative possibilities. A new extended bottom quick release plate provides a more stable camera mount and is suitable for installing a lens mount for a more secure assembly. To make the balancing process easier, a knob has been added to fine-tune the tilt axis, allowing the camera to be moved forward or backward with millimetre precision. Thanks to Teflon-coated components, the RS 3 Pro can be balanced with less friction and lower drag, even when mounting heavy cameras.

Automatic axle locking
RS 3 Pro lets you start shooting quickly so you never miss a shot. Simply press and hold the power button and all three axes automatically unlock, allowing you to start shooting in seconds. Press the power button once and the axes will automatically lock and go into sleep mode, making your transmission significantly more efficient. Press and hold the power button and the RS 3 Pro will automatically lock.

Large capacity payload
The RS 3 Pro's optimised structural design ensures that its weight remains, as with the RS 2, at just 1.5kg (this includes the gimbal, battery grip and dual-layer quick release plates), while its payload capacity is a respectable 4.5kg, providing effective support in a lightweight body.

Wireless shutter control
Thanks to Dual-Mode Bluetooth technology, the RS 3 Pro is able to achieve efficient and reliable wireless shutter control. After initial pairing via Bluetooth, you can control video recording and photo taking by simply pressing the record button on the stabilizer. A previously paired camera will automatically reconnect each time you use it again, saving you time.

Instant mode switching
You can switch between Pan Follow, Pan and Tilt Follow and FPV modes by simply sliding the new mode switch. For FPV mode, you can also choose between 3D Roll 360, Portrait or Custom, allowing you to set up your gear and start shooting quickly.

The bigger the better
The large, built-in 1.8" full-color OLED touchscreen increases the screen size by 28% compared to the RS 2, making setting parameters, checking shooting status and targeting subjects incredibly convenient. Plus, the redesigned user interface makes every setting more intuitive and precise. The OLED display also offers higher brightness than the LCD screen of the RS 2, has lower power consumption and is more suitable for outdoor use.

Elegant carbon fibre construction
The arms of the RS 3 Pro are constructed from laminated sheets of uncut carbon fibre. This makes them lighter and stronger than the bonded carbon fibre material used in the RS 2, increasing strength and reducing weight to withstand even more demanding shooting environments.

Further development of RS stabilisation
With the third generation of RS stabilization algorithms, RS 3 Pro provides significantly greater stability in any situation. Lab test data shows that RS 3 Pro provides a 20% increase in stability over RS 2, effortlessly handling low-angle shots, shooting on the fly, or switching between high and low positions.

Get perfectly smooth results
When SuperSmooth mode is activated, the RS 3 Pro will increase the motor torque to further improve stabilization, allowing you to take stable shots even in fast-motion situations or when using lenses with a 100mm equivalent focal length.

LiDAR assistant
To facilitate focusing, the RS 3 Pro uses the LiDAR focusing technology familiar from Ronin 4D. The new LiDAR Range Finder (RS) can project 43200 aiming points at a distance of 14 meters. It also features a built-in camera with an equivalent focal length of 30mm and a wide 70° angle of view to meet the focusing needs in most situations. Compared to conventional focusing technology, the LiDAR focusing system does not need to rely on the surface texture of the object. This is particularly useful in low-light environments or complicated multi-object situations. It supports both Wide and Mode modes. In Wide mode, the viewfinder automatically detects the object and focuses. In Spot mode, users can mark the object manually or tap on it.

All-new focusing motor
The next-generation DJI RS Focus Motor (2022) delivers three times more torque (up to 1 Nm) and reduces noise by 50%. This delivers smoother focusing and reduces the impact on sound recording. It also has a quick-release structure for faster use, allowing for easy assembly without any tools.

The combination of the LiDAR Range Finder focusing system with the new focusing engine enables, among other things, the use of autofocus on manual lenses. With one press of the M button on the gimbal, you can quickly and effortlessly switch between manual and autofocus. Once manual lenses have been calibrated, several lens calibration profiles can be stored in the focus motor, so there is no need to recalibrate them before using them again. Some film lenses can even be connected directly to the focus motor for autofocusing without the need for calibration. Users can also connect the LiDAR Range Finder and focus motor directly to the camera and operate them independently of the gimbal, allowing autofocusing on manual lenses even with an external battery.

ActiveTrack Pro
Object tracking has never been more accurate and sensitive with the Ronin series. The next-generation ActiveTrack Pro can directly read images from the camera built into the LiDAR Range Finder without the need for the Ronin Image Transmitter (formerly known as the Ronin RavenEye Image Transmitter). In addition, the LiDAR Range Finder includes a separately developed chip identical to the chip from the Ronin 4D, which increases the processing power of ActiveTrack Pro by more than 60 times compared to ActiveTrack 3.0 on the Ronin Image Transmitter.

When using ActiveTrack Pro, you can directly track or mark an object on the RS 3 Pro's OLED touch screen. Live latency is reduced to just 40 ms, 60% less than the Ronin Image Transmitter, allowing tracking even when the object is moving quickly. Thanks to the powerful DSP unit, it can identify and track targets even when they are many and far away.

Video transmission
The RS 3 Pro can be paired with the all-new DJI Transmission product to offer a customized solution for your specific shoot. The DJI Video Transmitter can be powered directly from the RS 3 Pro and can be conveniently mounted on the bottom with an adapter, without the need for an additional battery, reducing the strain on your hands. The O3 Pro Video Transmission technology enables up to 6km of ultra-low latency video and audio transmission range, as well as automatic frequency hopping between the 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz and DFS bands, providing stable remote monitoring. The DJI High-Bright Remote Monitor supports live streaming at 1080p/60 fps, as well as a single transmitter with multiple receivers. In Control mode, two receivers can be used simultaneously to jointly control the RS 3 Pro gimbal, focus and camera parameters for comprehensive reception, monitoring and control.

Gimbal and focus control
The high brightness remote monitor can be used with Ronin 4D Hand Grips, DJI Master Wheels or DJI Force Pro for gimbal control and precise focusing. It also features a built-in gyro sensor that can turn the remote monitor into a standalone motion controller for the RS 3 Pro without additional accessories to achieve more complex camera movements from a moving vehicle or on a crane.

Seamless wireless camera control
When the RS 3 Pro is mounted to a crane, cable car or suction mount vehicle, Mirror Control mode allows seamless wireless control from anywhere in the scene. This mode allows direct control of the basic menu of Sony mirrorless cameras via a remote monitor, all without having to unplug the camera.

Extensive expandability
With two RSA/NATO ports and a battery port, the RS 3 Pro can be connected to a variety of accessories such as the Twist Grip Dual Handle, Tethered Control Handle and the new DJI Briefcase Handle, giving it the flexibility to meet a variety of shooting requirements.

A solution for any scenario
With the DJI RS SDK, developers can now create customized solutions for the RS 3 Pro. Whether you're filming from a moving vehicle, with a crane or Steadicam, with a cable car or slider, RS 3 Pro offers a comprehensive filming solution and greater creative possibilities

Produkta veidsKameras stabilizators
Vertikālā filmēšanaIespējama ar papildu aksesuāru
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